Jesus came to give us abundant life, and it is our heartfelt desire to experience and share His life-changing grace with others. That’s why we call it Grace Life. Everyone needs grace, including me and you, and we believe it will change your life.
Jesus has given us astounding grace, so we strive to extend that grace to others. This is done by following Jesus' example of forgiveness when He was wronged, and seeking peace as much as possible.
Jesus prayed in the garden that His followers would be united, and that in their unity they would be united with Him. We desire for unity to be at the very core of who we are to best honor Jesus and what He has done for us.
Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit will testify about Him and work in and through us. By trusting in the Holy Spirit's transformative power, we open ourselves to be vessels of God's love and truth, impacting the world around us with the message of salvation.
Jesus declares that love displayed among believers serves as a distinguishing mark of true discipleship. This love not only testifies to the transformative power of Christ but also creates a vibrant and connected community, drawing others to experience the depth and beauty of God's love.